Welcome to my newly inproved site
This site is a tribute to all the drivers that were killed doing what they loved best RACE! This site will have info and pictures about each driver!
Hi my name is Dave, i'm a huge nascar fan so I made this site to remember the drivers that we all watch every weekend, Thanks for making a pit stop here and please sign the message board
Latest Driver added - Roy H. Weaver III A Daytona Safety worker
Newest page added - Davey Allison and Alan Kulwicki/Neil Bonnett
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"A Prayer For The Drivers"
This is a prayer to say before every race begins To keep all the drivers safe and God bless whoever wins So bow your heads with me, and together we will ask That God protect every driver for each and every lap... "Dear God in heaven we ask you to watch over this track and keep these drivers safe and sound for every single lap watch them and protect them with your caring watchful eye and bless them each and every time a green flag lap goes by we pray there are no cautions because of a crash and let them continue to race this race until the very last so which ever driver makes his way to Victory Lane we, the fans, know you heard our prayer and blessed us all the same... Amen"
Silence has fallen, the chills hit our bone.. The Nascar Circuit, lost another of their own.. We set and watch, holding our breath.. Praying to God, it's not another death..
Heavens gates have open, the name is called.. He reaches out his hand, and another young man falls.. First Adam then Kenny, who gave it their all.. Their presents have graced us, and touching our hearts.. The smiles they shared, and now they do part..
Memories will flood us, Tears fill our eyes.. Images take over, when we say our good byes.. Their young faces, with big hearts of gold.. Young men that they were, with courage of old..
We fall to our knees, in total dismay.. Our hearts are broken, as they leave us this day.. Let us not weep, but still cheer them on.. God has taken them, and now they are reborn..
Deep in the field, their shadows will run.. Adam and Kenny are still having fun.. They whisper they love you, and please don't cry.. Remember we're strong, and will get another ride..
Someday soon, our paths will cross again.. The twinkle in their eyes, and the childish little grin.. Adam and Kenny, today is your day.. You entered the path, that leads to heavens way..
They were so young, and future bound.. Still we must ask, why take them now.. Lift up your voice, and let it be heard.. Give us an answer, to be understood.. Why Dear God," they were to young, it was to soon"
There must be one heck of a Racetrack in Heaven!! The 2000's has taken too many "Bright Lights" from the Racing Community,
Saint Peter really needed some of the best.... just to show the Angels that "rubbin WAS racin", and that's how it's really done!
So.....die hard race fans,....on some thundering stormy day, just look up to the Heavens, and give it a smile.....cause there must be a Caution flag out!....And if you look really close, and around the clouds... you just might see ol' Elmo Langley driving the Pace Car...and as always, keeping em' all in line.
Looking back on the memory of The dance we shared 'neath the stars alone For a moment all the world was right How could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye
And now I'm glad I didn't know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd of had to miss the dance
Holding you I held everything For a moment wasn't I a king But if I'd only known how the king would fall Hey who's to say you know I might have chanced it all
And now I'm glad I didn't know The way it all would end the way it all would go Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain But I'd of had to miss the dance
Yes my life is better left to chance I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance
U R#     to pit here!